Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

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"Whoever controls the media controls the mind." - Jim Morrison
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AJS · 1mo

I bought a jump starter the other night on Amazon for the car. It's also an air compressor so it can be used to inflate the tires and other things. I connected it and the car started right away. No waiting.

I definitely recommend having one. You don't need someone else to jump your car.

Pandy · 8 answers · 2mo

If you could have another go at life when you pass, would you like to return as a man or a woman? (You wouldn't remember your previous life)

I don't want to live in this world again. This world sucks. I want to enjoy whatever death brings. Hopefully, it's an enjoyable afterlife or peaceful non-existence.

AJS · 2mo

Taxation is robbery, extortion and theft. The government doesn't have a right to exist and doesn't have a right to take money from people by force/threats/coercion.

If it's a crime when anyone else does it, it's a crime when they do it. Uniforms don't make crimes against peaceful people okay. The government doesn't have a right to initiate violence against peaceful people. The government doesn't have a right to enforce rules against peaceful people who never agreed to those rules. #Anarchism #Voluntaryism

AJS · 2mo

Veterans Day is Zogbot Day. The military doesn't fight for freedom. They're pawns for ZOG and the military industrial complex. We're not free and never were. Government/statism is slavery and is the antithesis of freedom. Free people don't have rulers.

Choosing a new master or trying to every few years doesn't make you free/not a slave. The people rich enough to control society aren't dumb enough to let people vote away their power. Politicians are puppets of ZOG, international bankers, the military-industrial complex and whoever else they're in bed with. Politicians don't represent you because you're not their highest bidder. #Anarchism #Voluntaryism

AJS · 2mo

There's no such thing as "misogyny." It's a bullshit term and meaningless smear tactic by women and simps for men who are red-pilled and/or black-pilled on women.

Women are controlled by their emotions. Women are such narcissists, especially in the era of feminism which makes them worse. Feminism is cancer destroying society. They literally think they can do no wrong and that they're not allowed to be criticized. "Nooo! You can't just hold our nature and behavior against us! Reee! Muh soggy knee!" Blow it out your asses! Every society in history was right about women. You give them power and they destroy society. Repeal the 19th amendment so society can start to heal.

AJS · 2mo

I love the song Come On Eileen now. I heard it in a store and didn't know what song it was. I tried listening to the lyrics so I could look up them later but I couldn't hear them well. I finally discovered what song it is after looking up songs that recently played on the radio.

Pandy · 8 answers · 3mo

Thoughts on the US election? What does this mean for the rest of the world?

AJS · 3mo

"what are your thoughts on Retrospring outliving by a few months?" - Jyrki. Another person who blocked me even though I never interacted with him. Jesus Christ, this site is NPC central! It's a leftist echo chamber. It's like Reddit. No freethinking allowed. I'm glad this site is shutting down. Good riddance.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

What do you think about dragons?

AJS · 3mo

"Political question: I am the true conservative, unlike those evil politicians. Under my rule, coffee will become a controlled substance given the number of addicts. Do you agree with my moral righteousness?" - Arthur

The leftist who blocked me even though I never had a bad interaction with him is a tyrannical, authoritarian piece of shit and wants to ban something just because he personally doesn't like it. Gee, what a surprise! Fuck you, fuck statists and fuck government! Things shouldn't be banned just because you or people personally don't like them. Banning things and arresting people is a big fucking deal and shouldn't be done lightly! You need to make a strong case to ban things and arrest people! Your personal feelings don't cut it!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Do you want to know more about history?

Yes, I want to know the truth about history and not the rewritten bullshit that covers things up. Ancient civilizations were more advanced than we've been led to believe.

AJS · 3mo

"Would you say that wrestling and politics are like hand and glove? I learned that this seems to be a thing at least in the us??" - Kate Matsuda

Anthony R · 7 answers · 3mo

What do you think of modern day slavery?

We're all slaves to governments, international bankers and corporations. Slavery to these things needs to be abolished.

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