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"Whoever controls the media controls the mind." - Jim Morrison
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AJS · 12d

"My 15 year old cousin is dating a 24 year old dude. Thoughts?"

Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 22d

Mums to daughters: Do not get pregnant! When you get pregnant your life is over! You can become a slut! Pay attention! Here are condoms, here are pills, here's a book to read! Stay away! Do not have sex! Do not get pregnant! You are prey! Stay away! - Society: Mums and family are the firm building blocks of society! But pregnant girls are sluts! - WTF?

Society is insane and contradicts itself when it comes to sexuality and pregnancy. "Never have sex! Sex is bad! Here are condoms and birth control pills. Why aren't you having sex? Sex is great! Have children. Don't have sex so you won't get pregnant! Pregnancy is bad!"

BidenLadysMan · 1 answer · 1mo

You know how June is gay pride month? Do you know what June use to be? Men's Mental Health month? Men have the highest suicide rate, we have the highest percentage of people who are murdered. And we die the youngest on average. Besides the fact that we created nearly EVERYTHING!! Donuts, to down syndrome get their own days but men don't. Haey look a queen cried once, we can't have that🙄

Societies ruined by feminism are gynocentric and are misandrist/hate men. It's laughable when women claim to be oppressed. Women have more rights than men in societies tainted by feminism. Society bends over backwards to cater to women and treats men like second-class citizens despite the fact that men built everything and keep society running.

BidenLadysMan · 2 answers · 2mo
BidenLadysMan · 2 answers · 3mo

I wanted McDonald's tonight, but it was 10 pm, and the place was filled with black people.. call me racist but I chose Ife!🤣

AJS · 2mo

"Are there too many foreigners in your country in your opinion?"

Yes, there's too many foreigners. Mass immigration is bad for demographics, job markets, housing markets, crime rates, schools, culturally etc. People are delusional or brainwashed into thinking that mass immigration has no problems and that everyone will magically get along, hold hands and sing Kumbaya or something. The (((ruling class))) are purposely waging war on western countries with mass immigration. Open borders for Israel or controlled borders for everyone else.

LaDamaX · 15 answers · 3mo

I’m 40+ years old. Is it “appropriate” for me to be on Retrospring?

Kate Matsuda · 11 answers · 4mo

Asked a friend who was the handsome man on her photo she posted. Now people assume I'm into men. WTF?

Kate Matsuda · 14 answers · 4mo

Friend had her first baby. It's a baby girl. Now relatives and friends want her to post photos from inside the hospital. I'm disgusted. You?

No, because that's normal. There's nothing wrong with that. You're making something out of nothing.

Shannon. · 12 answers · 4mo

Do you think retro spring should have an age restriction for this website?

Shannon. · 10 answers · 5mo

Are you sad that Akira toriyama died ?

Pandy · 11 answers · 5mo

Is there any word or expression from the 'youth of today' you actually find useful or funny? (i.e. YEET, thiqq, no cap, dead, lit etc.)

I hate a lot of old and new slang. Based grew on me. I don't like yeet but Jimmy and Jey Uso from WWE have made it funny. Jimmy: "Yeet!" Roman Reigns: "I don't like that." Jimmy: "No yeet." LOL. Right on, Roman Reigns. I acknowledge the Tribal Chief.

A · 7 answers · 5mo

Is karma real?

No, karma is a crutch for people who can't handle the idea or possibility of life being unfair. It's weird how belief in an unproven, magical, all-powerful god is criticized and made fun of but so many people believe in an unproven, magical force(karma) that punishes people. They're both unproven, supernatural things.

AJS · 6mo

"Do you think that lesbian couples adopting children will lack the masculine father role for the kids?" - Kate

Yes, kids need a mother and father. Lacking a mother or a father tends to fuck kids up. Mothers and fathers bring different things to the table. Father's can't be mothers and mothers can't be fathers.

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