inhahe · 13 answers · 5y

What's the least sexy part of the opposite sex?

It depends on the woman's body. I like good-looking vaginas but most of them aren't good-looking based on my preference. To me, most of them range from unattractive to ugly/gross to hideous/nasty. I usually hate how they look on the inside. Butt-holes can be okay-looking and they can be gross. Butt-cheeks can be good-looking and they can be unattractive or so-so. I also don't like bad-looking boobs which can be due to weird shape, asymmetry, sagging or bad implants. I hate huge areolas, puffy areoloas, and huge nipples. Pubic hair, especially a lot of it, is gross. A little bit of very neatly-trimmed pubic hair above the vagina but not around it can be okay or even sexy. Menstruation isn't a body part so I don't know if that qualifies as an option. If it does, then I'll pick vaginas and menstruation as my answer. Menstruation is an additional reason for vaginas not being sexy.

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