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Un-popped Balloon · 19d

What kind of popping style is your favorite and why?

Not sure which you mean, so here's the two:
In terms of how they pop, either overinflation or a deliberate puncture. Both are a ton of fun, but it depends on which works better
For what happens to them, I prefer the "rubber scraps like confetti" style. A good mix of the potential permanence while not going overboard and ruining the fun.

Un-popped Balloon · 24d

Why are you into incest

I have an answer or this, but I won't lie, this feels less like a question and more of an attack, so I don't really feel comfortable answering.

Un-popped Balloon · 1mo

How big can Avery get before he blows?

That is... a good question. I think at this point, he can only get to about room-filling size right now. If I felt like it, he could get to house-sized. But room-filled is kinda my perfect size.

Un-popped Balloon · 1mo

Any popping ideas involving Avery?

Oh, I got a few~ Wanna keep the specifics a bit of a secret, but one is an accidental popping while the other is more on the line of Alexisraine's work~

Un-popped Balloon · 12mo

What are some of your favorite inflation sound effects/onomatopoeia?

Danganplumpap · 12mo

If you had the ability to create anything in a reasonable timeframe (art, writing, animation, etc.), what would you make? What would you do with your abilities?

Well, writing of course is first. But I also would love to make video games, but sfw and nsfw. But I can barely navigate a start-up menu, much less actual code.

Un-popped Balloon · 12mo

Top 5 kinks?

Oh jeez.
1. Inflation (Particularly Air is a favorite)
2. Popping
3. Belly and Belly button stuff
4. The thing that gets locked behind my locked and Ao3
5. Hm.... Probably a tie between Inflatable stuff and Looner stuff.

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