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askbox for deerganplumpap. You might know me as the person who likes round deer, people's OCs, and a few other things.
18+ askbox, no prospectors please

The Deer Zone
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Ask about deer! Or don't. No Pressure. (Include AB for Ask Bluki)


Deer-nonymous · 1d

So I have a pretty good idea what your favorite shape is, but what about your second fave?

It's pretty obvious that I love a good ol' fashioned orb, but I gotta say, a big ol' bottom-heavy blimpy pear shape! Love those shapes where you get a lotta butt and they end up waddling all cute-like XD

Deer-nonymous · 1d

OC stands for Orb Character

It's true! OCs are fun characters you make into spheres for some reason or another and it's great AF :D

Deer-nonymous · 15d

Deer (spherical (deerical))

That's what I've been saying!!! A deer that is spherical is deerical and we love her for it so so much!!

ASimplenotiboi · 17d

You thought it was a question, but instead it was sme! hugs :3

It's syou! (hugs back)
Also what in the heck is that :3 doing lmao, that ain't any :3 I've ever seen

Deer-nonymous · 22d

Do your OCs celebrate the holidays? If so, how do they like to celebrate?

Yep! Buncha christmas-lovers 'round these parts.
Nendi- Spends Christmas with family a distance away. The feast is a sight to behold.
Faithe- Spends her Christmases alone... until she met Nendi. Now she's spending Christmas with the Vale family!
Ibluki- Spends Christmas with family... somewhere. Hasn't told family what's happened to them simply because they're keeping the joke going.

Deer-nonymous · 27d

What's your OCs favourite things to do in Winter? (Assumimg they like winter activities?)

Nendi: Walking out and about (despite their heft) and watching the snowfall with a nice cup(s) of hot chocolate.
Faithe: Snowballing down hills... literally.
Ibluki: Staying inside with a nice bowl of soup and watching whatever's on Netflix.
Mello: Harmlessly scaring people by using their natural camouflage to hide in the snow.

ASimplenotiboi · 29d

Nendi somehow becomes the size of an action figure and Faithe tries to get her back to size by inflating her y/n

Cash-Bone · 30d

Faithe at a concert
She gets full of air and tossed around like a beachball

You're 100 billion percent correct right there, lmao
She hasn't been to many (if any) concerts on account of her upbringing so when she goes to one (to catch up on what she's been missing out on and she sees a beachball thrown around the crowd, her first impulse is to (quite literally) join in on the fun!
And she's having a ball with it too, being tossed all about from one point to another roughly fits the same adrenaline experience she gets from doing her infamous "bouncing from a high height" move in parkour.
And she loves the attention she's getting from it!

ASimplenotiboi · 30d

Macro/Micro y/n?

Not too interested in macro (I like folks big AND wide, but just tall is kinda eh), but micro paired with wg or inflation's kinda fun! I do like a cute little microblimp/microblob from time to time, that's for sure.

Deer-nonymous · 1mo

What is Nendi's go-to pizza order?

Cheese, pepperoni, bacon, olives, and sometimes feta if it isn't too expensive.
Various salty toppings as per her species' tastes... but she'll try something different from anywhere if it looks appealing.

Deer-nonymous · 1mo

Deer (sphere)

Truly a delightful thing to happen to a deer, a funny little ball of fur, air, and gooberish behavior :D

Deer-nonymous · 1mo

What Dangans need to be berried the most. That is are not berried enough compared to others

Heck if I know these days, it's hard to tell how much everyone's getting these days
but if I had to guess, I'm gonna say himiko because she's my buddy mage's fav so more of her, obviously

Deer-nonymous · 1mo

Nendi trying to paint on an easel-canvas-whatever, but she fails to account for her belly, which is now covered in paint

Many such cases, she's always overthinking things and the perpetrator is always right under her nose
Just working away at something for the gallery, wondering why her stomach feels wet, and boom the entire lower half of the canvas has been reduced to a incomprehensible smear
Best case scenario she can pass that off as metaphor but worst case she's gotta start again, this time from the top of the canvas to the bottom
Gotta wash that shirt either way, lmao ;)

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