a voice from within the drain · 1y

I’m some lonesome wanderer and I love your Brumira and I’m also so happy to see u ship Javi n Clem from twdg.. do you ever plan on showing your art of them? I wrote so much fanfic of em back when the pandemic first hit LMAO

Cheers to having good tastes! 🥂

I have only encountered one other javi/clem shipper, so it's nice to see that there are ppl who still like it :))) I didn't draw much art of them cus I had no idea how to draw javi at the time lmfao BUT I do remember drawing a comic of sorts for them around 2 years ago! So I'll touch it up and post it for your viewing pleasure.

And fics, you say?! 👀 The height of my interest was also during the pandemic and at the time, there was like. ZERO fic for them on ao3, so when I tell you I'm EXCITED to know abt this dsljkdaskj If you ever go through with posting your fics, know I will be sobbing screaming crying etc etc. Always nice to see ppl make fanworks for a beloved rarepair.

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