a voice from within the drain · 8mo

do u have any other twdg ships? (problematic or not) (also HI ONE OTHER TWDG FAN ON BARAAG/AETHY)

oh hellooo!! (^.^)/

I answered a similar question a while back and said that I enjoy shipping Clem with most of the characters since she's my fave, with Clem x Javi being my main, tho I didn't specify the ships I'm more interested in vs the ones I just like the thought of. So to be more specific: I'm a fan of Clem x Carver and Clem x Luke from season 2 plus Minerva x Clem and Minerva x Sophie from the final season.

I'm sure if I went back someday to go thru the series again, I might change my mind on some ships/get some new ones (Eg: I know Clem and Lee is The Default Daddaughter Ship but I only humor the thought rather than actively ship them. I can get my zombie daddaughter fill from joellie....) but so far I've only been interested in Clem's relationships with some of the characters.

It's a shame that I haven't seen much ship art/fic/et that isn't of the main love interests in the final season, (which are cute but. ah, I like for things to be a bit more than just Cute.) since there are so many Sexy Dynamics and Interactions. I hope to someday have the time and energy to draw something for them.

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