a wild pokemon appeared and · 1y

gimme your noncon florid thoughts pls 🤲🏾 (an oh so mysterious requester 🥰)

SO MANY THOUGHTS… (hiii you super secret mysterious requester ash 👀), thank you for waiting!!! Sorry i haven’t gotten to it sooner <3

I have a hard time seeing Floyd doing anything maliciously unless he was really angry or revved up. In a setting where he’s just feeling playful; what I think would happen is too many boundaries being crossed and Riddle’s feelings getting ignored/hurt.

Something along the lines of Riddle being put off by Floyd’s physical and sexual advances. He starts pushing him off when he gets too close, and even tries to get away when he’s fully uncomfortable.

Being a deep sea mer, Floyd’s prey-drive kicks in.

The sight of fleeing turns a switch in his brain and he thinks it’s a fun little game! Watching Riddle get even more upset as the situation escalates just pushes him further. His poking turns to grabbing, grabbing turns to pinning, and now Floyd’s on top of Riddle groping him.

Riddle would be outright panicking when he realizes there's nothing he can do but let Floyd dominate him. He’ll let himself give in if it means Floyd won’t take it any further, but unfortunately, Riddle won’t get out that easy!

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