a wild pokemon appeared and · 1y

Hmmm speaking of obnoxious pregnant Malleus, how do you think Rollo would act with Malleus ( in this case he’s the father)? I feel like Malleus would be even more needy for Rollo’s attention….

Ohohoooo Rollo would lament everything about it. The whole pregnancy leaves him dreary and tired but not because he hates the idea of having a child, but because Malleus is a horrid pregnant.

He is needy, he is mischievous, and he is HORNY. Rollo can hardly keep up with his demands when it comes to his ungodly food cravings, and don’t get him started on the suddenly increased libido. Malleus at most would prefer two rounds before pregnancy, but here he is, needing to do every position he can do physically and still get ate out.

Their kid is adorable though! Makes Rollo forget everything he hated about the pregnancy and suddenly! They do it again.

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