a wild pokemon appeared and · 12mo

I disagree with your characterization of Rook. You clearly lack any literacy if you think he'd be capable of harming Vil in that way. I'm so tired of you people galavanting around spreading disinfo about a character. Rook may be weird but he's not so weird that he'd kidnap people, and he definitely wouldn't harm Vil! You don't deserve to make content for them when you can't even understand Rook's drive on following Vil and the beauty that surrounds him. Get better.

I'm literally so obsessed with you anon... I can't find myself deleting this ask because I'm so enamoured by your RookVil devotion, but I need it outta my inbox so I guess I will unfortunately respond... EVEN IF I SHOULDN'T, I REALLY WANNA STARE AT THIS IN AWE ON SOME DAYS OKAY.... YOU HAVE SUCH A WAY WITH WORDS I'M SO ✨💖 LITERALLY I'M SO OBSESSED WITH YOU AND THIS ASK, IT'S SO ELOQUENTLY WORDED FOR A HATELOVEMAIL....... If you come back because I answer this please keep up the fancy words I'm so obsessed

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