Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Oh look, who's here? · 8mo

You’re such a cutie. Glad that you enjoyed your sleep, the earlier the better. So let’s sleep early later. You’re the last person I saw before I went to bed, so I had a good sleep. I always dream about you, even when I’m conscious. I’ll keep you safe and sound, close to my heart, showering you with all the sweet things I could give you. Please do have a wonderful day, mon chèri.

Yours to have,

It's strange how eager I am for you to return, I always look forward to your sweet words. I could easily crack a smile even as I read your phrase since I can feel my cheeks getting red. My beloved A, you are the sweetest. You truly are the sweetest, which is why I keep saying that. I know you will always make me feel at ease just by reading your sweet words, so please do keep me safe and sound and dear to your heart. As long as you are here, my day will always be wonderful, A. I wish you the best life has to offer since you deserve it all. Schatz. <3

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