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Delicate pulchritudinous buoyant primrose florescence.

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And if the faith bring you here, what do you want from me?


Oh look, who's here? · 7mo

do you set your eyes on someone?

Oh look, who's here? · 7mo

kak leo jangan punya pacar dulu ya hehe

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

Do you set your eyes on someone Leo?

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

And what if I say I have a crush on you?

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

You are so attractive Leo

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

Don't cry and eat your dinner, mon chèri. I'll come to you after you eat your dinner. I promise.


I'm dsoo eepy... zi think I'll fsall asleep suddenly sfter some times. I can't eat my dinner since I aldready eat pizza at 17.00;(

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

Good evening. Rosenfelt is your last name, right? Seems like you received my last message. Pay attention to your form, perhaps I left a trace there. Don’t skip your dinner, I don’t want you to get sick. Just a little bit, I’ll come to you. I’ll hold you and don’t ever think I’d let go. See you soon, mon chèri.


What do you mean... I don't get it;( I faskll alsleep when I wait for your appearance, but NOW I'M SO CONFUSEEDDD guess that I'd better cry instead... I won't eat my dinner and I'll just sleep instead?¿?¿ Then plewse hold me and don't make me confused like this :(

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

Jesus, I don’t think you could be this cute. How’d you like to be hold? By your waist? Oh I’d like to flatter you until you can’t think of anything rather than flushing and giggling like a high schooler in love. What should I do to make you mine, mon chèri? Not now, you could faint when you’re already in my arms.


I'm doing nothing?:P...?!?!@?@ How do you know I love it when someone holds my waist? Hey, that's cruel:( I look weird when I flatter and flushing all day, like a high schooler in love- what a cute one, but- NO DON'T?@^#,@ Mhm... Why don't you come to me and find out for yourself instead of simply admiring me like this, lovely A?:P I am sorry, but I have already fainted. And it's all because of you and your sweet words. :D

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

So you’re admitting that you’re waiting for my message, interesting. You’re really something, mon chèri. I’m wondering how sweet your smile look like, with red cheeks bet you look even more magnificent. Couldn’t wait to come and hold you. Could I be selfish to wanting all of you just for me? You’re too sweet, I might be addicted. Perhaps I already am. You’re the best offer life has ever gave to me, mon chèri.

Your worshipper,

NO, I MEAN- Alright... :) I can't deny that I am waiting for you to arrive. And what do you mean by "hold me" anyway?!:D But I'd love to have you hold me tight so you can utter more sweet words and make me even more flustered. that's not selfish at all, that sounds incredibly sweet to me:]. Why don't you strive to make me yours then, Schatz?:P Oh God, I can't bear it when I read all the words that you say to me... Can I just faint right now?

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

You’re such a cutie. Glad that you enjoyed your sleep, the earlier the better. So let’s sleep early later. You’re the last person I saw before I went to bed, so I had a good sleep. I always dream about you, even when I’m conscious. I’ll keep you safe and sound, close to my heart, showering you with all the sweet things I could give you. Please do have a wonderful day, mon chèri.

Yours to have,

It's strange how eager I am for you to return, I always look forward to your sweet words. I could easily crack a smile even as I read your phrase since I can feel my cheeks getting red. My beloved A, you are the sweetest. You truly are the sweetest, which is why I keep saying that. I know you will always make me feel at ease just by reading your sweet words, so please do keep me safe and sound and dear to your heart. As long as you are here, my day will always be wonderful, A. I wish you the best life has to offer since you deserve it all. Schatz. <3

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

People say the same. Good morning, mon chèri. Hope you had a good sleep last night. Try to look at the mirror, you’re much sweeter than me. Would you let me keep you in my arms forever? Worry not I’ll give you the world if I have it.

Your admirer,

What a sweet nickname you have there, dearest A. I adore it when you refer to me in that way. Despite going to bed at three in the morning, I enjoyed a decent night's sleep last night. I'm hoping the same for you. Did you ever dream about me?:P You are and always will be the sweetest, so I would love to be kept in your arms forever.

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

Does being sweet could make you lay your eyes on me? I am a sucker for you, indeed. Tell me the type of your desire, I’ll be it.

Your admirer,

You are so good with words, aren't you? You have the perfect ability to agitate me. And don't worry, you're the sweet creature herself, I've already laid eyes on you and I suppose you're the kind of desire I want. ;)

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

I followed a way that the faith leads. What could I give you in return to have all of your attention just for me?

Your admirer,

You are indeed the sweetest, sucking up all of my attention effortlessly. For the time being, you have my undivided attention, dearest A.

Oh look, who's here? · 9mo

Kamu itu yang pernah gimmick sama Hans yaaaaa?

Iya bener... Maaf ya kalau dulu suka gimmick #MintaMaafdiatasMatrai kami sudah taubat Gimmick...

topu tsutaya · 11mo


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