Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Oh look, who's here? · 8mo

So you’re admitting that you’re waiting for my message, interesting. You’re really something, mon chèri. I’m wondering how sweet your smile look like, with red cheeks bet you look even more magnificent. Couldn’t wait to come and hold you. Could I be selfish to wanting all of you just for me? You’re too sweet, I might be addicted. Perhaps I already am. You’re the best offer life has ever gave to me, mon chèri.

Your worshipper,

NO, I MEAN- Alright... :) I can't deny that I am waiting for you to arrive. And what do you mean by "hold me" anyway?!:D But I'd love to have you hold me tight so you can utter more sweet words and make me even more flustered. that's not selfish at all, that sounds incredibly sweet to me:]. Why don't you strive to make me yours then, Schatz?:P Oh God, I can't bear it when I read all the words that you say to me... Can I just faint right now?

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