Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Oh look, who's here? · 8mo

Jesus, I don’t think you could be this cute. How’d you like to be hold? By your waist? Oh I’d like to flatter you until you can’t think of anything rather than flushing and giggling like a high schooler in love. What should I do to make you mine, mon chèri? Not now, you could faint when you’re already in my arms.


I'm doing nothing?:P...?!?!@?@ How do you know I love it when someone holds my waist? Hey, that's cruel:( I look weird when I flatter and flushing all day, like a high schooler in love- what a cute one, but- NO DON'T?@^#,@ Mhm... Why don't you come to me and find out for yourself instead of simply admiring me like this, lovely A?:P I am sorry, but I have already fainted. And it's all because of you and your sweet words. :D

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