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Adorable Anon · 2mo

Re: Date of graduation.
Do you know what you will be wearing? And will there be a fancy dinner to celebrate?
( ´◔ ω◔`)

Oooooohh!! Hi, adorable anon!!!

Sorry for the delay, I had very rough days... my aunt died, it was all sudden, I had to go back to my home and today I returned to my dorm... but in a few days I'll return to my house to prepare for my graduation, but I feel SOOOO tired and tomorrow I have lessons...

Btw, yes!!! I know what I'll wear! A bordeaux tailleur with a black top full of colored decorations, i can't wait to wear it!!!

Sadly because of my aunt's death we won't celebrate, at least not in recent days and... I admit I couldn't wait to celebrate together with my all family, also because only my parents and my little sisters we'll see me graduating... sigh... I admit I feel extremely shitty...

I hope you are having way better days then me because you deserve them!! Sorry for me being all sad and tired, I... sigh... I feel so drained, of emotions and energies...

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