Anonymous Adventurer · 12mo

Looks like you enjoy some frisky times, mind to tell us if you have the actual bunny sex drive or a surprisingly different one?

My sex drive is certainly comparable to that of a bunny, though I do find other things in life to enjoy besides it - exploring new regions, delving into caves and dungeons for loot, beating up bandits, even just visiting new towns and seeing what there is to see there. And some of my happiest memories are finding peaceful places like a flowery meeting spot by a stream and hanging out for awhile with friendly locals.

But yes, I find sex to be rather fun a lot of the time, and I try not to let societal judgement shackle me about when and with who to get lewd on. If some prude thinks me whorish for openly enjoying a rutting, I don't pay them any mind. Life's short and I try to have fun with it any way I can!

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