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Alyse is my name, adventuring my game... usually. Feel free to take a seat by my campfire, share the warmth... and ask a question or two, should you feel the temptation.


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Anonymous Adventurer · 9mo

Heyo! Flint the cinderace here. Always a pleasure to meet another bun! I'm a traveler of sorts too! Always a pleasure to see new places and sights. What's been your personal favorite so far?

Heyo! I'm not sure I can point to any specifics - there's just so much out there. Admittedly I'm a bit of a "dungeon delver", though it's less "dungeon" and more "monster-inhabited cave" these days. So I've enjoyed my fair share of convoluted underground lairs and such. Though there's always the less dangerous side of exploring, seeing things like mountains and rivers and the villages that crop up around them.

Anonymous Adventurer · 10mo

Bun bun, any preferences in your sexual partners?

Pretty vague question if I'm being honest! Generally I prefer more furry sorts than humans, sexually. And I don't mind the more basic styles like canine, feline, et cetera - compared to overly complicated ones.

Nimbats are pretty cute and I've seen a lot of them lately. Seen a lot of Digimon too, though that's more of a mixed bag. Kinda same for Pokemon as well. For my tastes, the cuter/more handsome the better, usually. Of course that's very subjective... and there's always exceptions.

Anonymous Adventurer · 10mo

Any favorite sexual positions?

Usually the ones where I'm on bottom. I can ride atop and bounce like the rest of 'em, but being... you know, taken is what really gets me goin'. And even better when my smaller stature gets used in the process.

I mean, I can hold my own in a proper fight - I don't get sensitive about being taken advantage of, like some outwardly tough folks are. It's all about showing me a good time, and vice versa.

Anonymous Adventurer · 10mo

What's your current body count?

Am I supposed to be keeping track or somethin'?

Honestly, it's probably less than you'd expect. I do try to be non-lethal when I can. Life's precious and not meant to be wasted.

But sometimes they're better off dead. Wild creatures that will kill you as soon as look at you, bandits that see you as nothing but a walking wallet (or worse), and just downright evil monsters.

I can't pretend I'm the most fair judge about these things. But I'm not afraid to make a call when the time calls for it. Especially when my own life is on the line.

Anonymous Adventurer · 10mo

What's your idea of a good story/adventure, and what do you expect most out of a good story?

Anonymous Adventurer · 11mo

How many offspring would you like to get during your lifetime?

There isn't really a set number I'd aim for. Ultimately what makes me want to have a kid with someone is having a bond with them of some kind. A reason to bring their traits into the world with another life.

Though, to be fair, I'm not entirely against the concept of breeding for the sake of breeding. For one thing, sex is fun - no point pretending otherwise. And for another, there's not enough of my kind in the world, and in my opinion you can't have too many Mimigas.

But yeah, I'm not gunning for some quota or statistic. I'm just figuring it out as I go along!

Anonymous Adventurer · 11mo

What do you think about slime/goo characters?

In terms of attraction and appeal, it's not really my thing. I'm more of a "fur and scales" kind of girl, I guess.

Of course, what a person's made of doesn't affect how I feel about them as a person! And a goo person sounds like a useful teammate in an adventure setting. They could do some clever things I certainly wouldn't be able to pull off.

Anonymous Adventurer · 11mo

What would you say are your most attractive combination of kinks are? Maybe lay out a scene if you fancy.

Not really sure how to answer that. Whether or not my kinks are attractive is in the eye of the beholder, after all. What arouses one will disgust another.

That's the great thing about the kink lists on F-List, anyone can peruse anonymously and use that knowledge to decide if the character interests them enough to make contact or propose an idea.

Anonymous Adventurer · 11mo

What was the biggest size you've managed to taken in? And what if it doesn't fit?

Too big might be the end of me... but I guess that's a bridge I'll cross when I come to it.

Had a fair few instances of being caught unawares by wild creatures in the woods that wouldn't take no for an answer. Painful sometimes, though preferable to having my neck bitten instead.

I've recovered from my fair share of stretching, which puts me out of action for a bit and hurts like heck, but doesn't kill me... and makes for some memorable moments, if nothing else! Gotta look on the bright side.

Anonymous Adventurer · 11mo

Oh so you got a daughter with a Pokémon? How was your reaction when you found out that it somehow worked?

Intrigued! I'm still not all that sure what works and what doesn't when breeding Pokemon with non-Pokemon. Up until I realized I was pregnant, I wasn't sure it was possible in the first place.

I'm sure there's species I can't breed with, but it seems I have to treat every new pairing as "potentially possible" juuuuuust in case.

... not that it's gonna stop me from having fun when I want to, of course.

Rhian · 11mo

Do you ever feel insecure about not being a Pokémon? Or are your friends enough to make you feel right at home?

Interesting question! Not insecure, I'd say, but there's definitely some feelings about powers I can't have. Envy, I suppose. But I've done my best to work with what I got regardless, and I feel proud of what I've been able to accomplish with it.

My daughter Aliya will be less burdened by this, at least - she's much like me, but inherits some fire talent from her father, and she's taken to it quite well in her training. Not a match for a fully powered Pokemon, but a bridge of sorts if nothing else!

Anonymous Adventurer · 12mo

Have you ever encountered someone shorter than yourself, even significantly so? If yes, did you have any fun with them?

Anonymous Adventurer · 12mo

Looks like you enjoy some frisky times, mind to tell us if you have the actual bunny sex drive or a surprisingly different one?

Anonymous Adventurer · 1y

So you're more of a melee kind of bunny... which kind of weapons would you use besides a spear?

I can handle knives and daggers, and a shortsword as well! I've even tried my fists, but I'm better at speed than strength, so it wasn't very effective. Hence the spear - even if I don't put as much power into it as others might, it's still quite sharp and dangerous. If I combine it with a leap of my strong legs, it's even better.

I've used bow and arrow before, too. Not much, though, so my accuracy isn't the best. I really should train with it more sometime.

Anonymous Adventurer · 1y

What is your favorite color of flower? To eat and to admire, if those categories have two separate chart-toppers

Taste-wise, I don't really distinguish 'em much. It's kinda like some of those human candies. Different colors can have different flavors, but you can just eat 'em without really thinking about it.

Blue ones are my favorite aesthetically! As well as reds, but, well... can't really do anything good with the red ones, sad to say.

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