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Ask me things before I delete this


TransRightsActivist · 12d

Something funny I've always thought about dragon's bride was that, Mori and his people made this whole long perfect plan in order to save the kingdom by offering his son to the dragon as a bride. I've always thought something like, what if Chuuya wasn't gay? What if he did not had any interest in men? LKE WHAT WOULD'VE HAPPENED? HOW DID MORI MAKE THIS PLAN WITHOUT CONSIDERING THIS? I know this is all plot's sake and it worked, but it's still so funny to me to think that😭😭JAJAHA

TransRightsActivist · 2mo
TransRightsActivist · 3mo

Rereading dragon's Bride for the umpteenth time and realized in the beginning when Chuuya says what if he chooses Elise, Mori basically says "nah my son is prettier and cuntier"😭

Pahhahaha I WAS JUST REREADING THAT MYSELF and yeah he does… he is like “dw bro I got you a better bride” lmaoooo

(Sorry I reply so slowly these days 😭😭😭 retrospring doesn’t work well these days.)

Thank you for rereading!!! New chapter soon, I promise, I just need to finish a term paper first

TransRightsActivist · 3mo

Hello Amelia
I believe you're russian, right? Do you know that situation when the fic you're reading suddenly got deleted, hence you didn't get to save it
Then you look up for someone who has the fic downloaded or can find it in old files and such
Do you know how to do that from fanfics? Since it's a russian site, maybe there are other apps where to ask for help or something

Hey, yes, I’m Russian. For Ficbook, usually when a fic is popular, lots of ppl have it downloaded, or just some. If you tell me the name, I can ask around?
Usually either random ppl have it or there are telegram channels that download fanfics.

TransRightsActivist · 3mo

Dragon's Bride Chuuya seeing Dazai’s burns while they're in bed and he starts leaving kisses along his back and arms until they're both ugly crying. Even if they get healed from the water they maintain that routine of Chuuya softly massaging away the phantom pain

TransRightsActivist · 3mo

Hi!! I wanted to ask, would it be possible to commission you for a lengthy one-shot, or maybe 2 chapters, of a NSFW fic with skk? It'd be payed the Kofi or cash app, if possible!! :)

TransRightsActivist · 4mo

Dragon's Bride chuuya resisting the dragon(it's all him) urge to breed his beautiful wife(dazai)until one day he snaps, nine months later they have triplets(they find three cats)

Pahahaha omg I will write this is an extra to the story)))
Omg Chuuya with a pregnancy kink? 👀 he’ll be saying the entire time as he is fucking his bratty prince how lovely he is for him, how he will get him pregnant no matter the anatomy after coming inside of him dozens of times, while Dazai just screams from pleasure and cries from overstimulation (Chuuya has 200 years of experience after all).


TransRightsActivist · 5mo

oh chuuya being the scary dad but he tells people that how they should be relieved that it’s him bc dazai would be even worse if something happens to kids.

Omg Yessss Chuuya would just mangle and kill those who hurt his kids, but Dazai would torture those people for days, weeks, if not months. He’ll drive them insane, completely go full on Demon Prodigy on them

TransRightsActivist · 5mo

When you say dead dove on your priv, how dd are we talking? Like non-con and underage or just minor gore? Just asking cause I don't wanna accidentally interact with people I'd be uncomfortable with :')

It has a bit of everything, I’d say. Def non-con and underage, cannibalism, age gap (15/30), incest, something else too, at this point, I don’t remember. everything is tagged, but if you aren’t on my priv already, then it’s provably not for you

TransRightsActivist · 5mo

Amelia do you know what happened to Sora😭😭😭😭 her twitter accs ARE GONE

TransRightsActivist · 5mo

Hello! I’m not sure if you’ve ever been asked this before, but out of curiosity, why do you keep switching between Chuuya and Osamu and Dazai and nakahara in the same thread constantly and inconsistently?

I refuse to use collective pronouns like “ginger”, “redhead”, “detective”, “brunette”, etc, since I find that they clutter the text, and so I’m left with names and pronouns. hence, the switch. But tbh, the threads hardly ever are even pre-written, so whatever my mind decides, that goes on the page.

TransRightsActivist · 5mo

love how DA is just dazai making all these men play diff roles in his lil gay princess fantasy which ended with chuuya winning

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