Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3d

Maybe I’m being dramatic, and maybe it’d be kind of out of character for him, but I need Chuuya to pull a Bella Swan and become a bit reckless and depressed and lowkey suicidal when Dazai leaves him behind and pushes him away “to protect him”. I need Dazai to see what he’s doing to him and regret his actions, not just because he misses having him in his life, but because of what his schemes caused. I know it’s kinda toxic maybe, but what can I say

originally, that was what I imagined at the very early stages, but then I decided to make it a little less dramatic because the drama that comes after is even worse cough but let's keep in mind that Dazai is 100% convinced of what he's doing and he has no intention on going back on his words because what he's doing is unforgivable (at least from his point of view). I can't say more not to make too much spoiler!

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