A random ushabti ยท 3mo

What problem do you have with Greek heroes?

I do not have any problem. And from what they tell me in their endless, tedious, boring pre-battle speeches, neither do they. The story is always the same: X hero goes overboard challenging X deity, the deity destroys the hero's life either in person or by bewitching them so that they destroy it themselves, and then sends them tedious and dangerous tasks as punishment to redeem themselves. Such as destroying X creature, relocating X creature, or stealing something important from X creature. And for whatever reason the Greek deities have taken the bad habit of involving me in their tasks. I think they were serious with the first two or three heroes and that the rest have been pure vice. Daily entertainment. "Let's send the arrogant one to the necromancer wolf too, for the lulz." And they will bet and challenge each other to send this or that hero and things like that, I don't know.

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