Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anpuankhses ๐“น๐“ƒฃ๐“‹น๐“‹ด๐“‹ด๐“Šฎ๐“บ ยท 3 answers ยท 2y

Your sona has the opportunity to get the vehicle of their dreams (Or more than one, if they wishes), the only condition is that it cannot be a particularly large vehicle, only for one to five/six occupants at most. What would those vehicles be like?

Hmm... I find a lot of vehicles pretty meh but, a 2014 hyundai elantra is probably the most comfortable car i've ever sat in. There small, and I like that, the seats are really comfortable (The one my mother owned had like-- Gamer chair styled seats.), there pretty fast (I don't really care about that part) but idk, small and comfortable, thats all I gotta say

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