Someone · 1y

Yay you checked here! (Says this 7 days after you answered) Another question (asking a lot because I know no other apl people) if you have pets/have ever had pets, do you form unique emotional attachments to them? I know for me, I have dogs but I don’t feel differently about them than any other dog.

Dw about asking a lot of questions, you're fine 👍

Yeah I've thought about this question for a while before you asked. I think it's the same for me with my cats because while I do definitely love them and can see their different personalities, it wouldn't be that much different if it they were all different cats. My relationship with my cats is what actually confirmed to me I'm aplatonic because I definitely love them but what I've already said on my twitter account also applies to them(So it's not just a "I hate people" thing like I might've tried to tell myself in the beginning). Albeit in a more shallow way because, well, they're cats.

Though not to say aplatonic people who do feel a strong connection with their pets aren't aplatonic this is just y'know my experience.

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