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Feel free to ask me anything, just be nice y'know


Someone · 2y

How do we feel about talking Ben only having 4 responses in game

He so obviously just wants to be left alone it's funny

I preferred mixing together the chemicals than doing the main game which sucked cause they let you only have like, 4-5 of each chemical

Someone · 2y

Can you identify other aplatonics easily

I'd say not really but only because the concept of being aplatonic is a pretty niche thing so most people don't know about it. I can identify behavior I'd label as "aplatonic" but I have to go out of my way to find people are also aplatonic lol

Someone · 2y

Also, your answer was very good! I think the brand thing makes a lot of sense. I have lots of people on Twitter I’m mutuals with, and like if they have one icon they’ve had for a long time and I see the original source it’s from, I think of them. But I don’t do that for anything else, like even if they’re very into obscure media and I see that media I don’t think of them. Some of my alloplatonic friends say that they associate all their friends with smells and tastes and I don’t get that at all!

(About the smells and tastes thing) OH WHAT????? I DO NOT GET THAT AT ALL THAT'S SO STRANGE TO ME???

Also yeah I do that. I see a piece of media someone I know is very obsessed with and I go "Wow, their thing." lol

Someone · 2y

Also sorry for pretty much exclusively using retro spring to talk to you, I’d follow you and like and reply to your tweets and stuff, but I don’t want to “out” myself as aplatonic. I’ve talked to some friends about my feelings, and while some know I’m apl and are cool with it, some have taken it as me like, rejecting them and saying I don’t like them. But it’s so nice to see someone else talk about being apl, I relate to so many of your tweets.

Someone · 2y

Yay you checked here! (Says this 7 days after you answered) Another question (asking a lot because I know no other apl people) if you have pets/have ever had pets, do you form unique emotional attachments to them? I know for me, I have dogs but I don’t feel differently about them than any other dog.

Someone · 2y

Fellow apl person! Do you associate items with people? Like if you had a friend that really liked giraffes, would you see a giraffe and think of them? I don’t, but my alloplatonic friends do. Wonder if it’s the same for other apl people or if being unable to associate things with people is like an autism thing for me

It depends I think, like if they were really obvious about it then I MIGHT think of them in a passing thought(Not always even under that condition) but if it's something that they've casually mentioned a few times then I might just think of the giraffe and not my friend.

I think of it as more like a "brand" or a "logo" if that makes sense lol. Like how brands will try to get you associate them with a shape or color except for people. Hopefully this is a good enough answer.

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