RhymewithRay · 16 answers · 2y

how does your oc handle crushes?

Estella is pretty flirty and TENDS to make the first move. She's a real go-getter when it comes to crushes, and she handles the casual girlfriend deal just swimmingly. She's confident, witty, charming, and can even be sultry. Upbeat yet competitive! Loves to do adventurous things with a partner but can even be cool with just hanging around at home for the night.

Its when things start to get more and more serious that she gets nervous. She REALLY likes the guy and is terrified she'll screw it up now that they're close.

That said, she becomes quite the sweetheart the more serious the relationship is. She's real supportive and loves to see her partner happy. Estella is also really encouraging towards any personal goals her partner may have, as she knows how disheartening it can be to have those close to you try to discourage your dreams.

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