RhymewithRay · 16 answers · 2y

how does your oc handle crushes?

Nero has only ever had one crush and they're together!!

Norrie is the same too haha

As for the Idols they must reject any advances for their job/ they want to follow what their heart wants!!

Grim as smooth as he looks and acts, he doesn't know how to handle a crush. Kazi was the exception, he handle it pretty ok tbf, I mean they end up married, so I think he did well !

Romance was something that seemed more fantasy than reality for Norra. She would always see it in movies or in books, imaging herself in certain situations that played off what she saw, when she was younger. However, she didn't have any real romantic feelings for anyone till she realized that she couldn't see her life without Dulse anymore. From there, she would get easily flustered if anyone were to ask if they were a thing with her.

Once Jin knew she liked someone she was quick to act on it. Mary had didn't really have much romantic experience before meeting Jin, so once she realized she had feelings for her she wasn't sure what to do. So that means a lot of acting nervous around her and avoiding prolonged eye contact because she got embarrassed.

Balei is fairly confident in herself but she can be a lil flustered at times!

Fausto takes a very special somebody to actually make him crack but anyone else he can hide deep inside his butterflies

Cecil doesnt really get crushes but for Blitzy, he started burying it super hard and when that failed he lowkey subconsciously tried selfsabotaging and convincing himself it'd never work anyways. After that it was basically puppy love until it they got together officially!

Jasmine: Usually she tries to invite them to hang out as much as she can but if her crush ever flirts with her she becomes a blabbering mess and doesn't know how to react

Andres: Almost never would act on it put would keep an Eye on them in case they need help

Mariah keeps it to herself for the most part unless she can tell they like her back, in which case she’ll make a move huhu but she tends to treat them specially without realizing it
Andre doesn’t really think much of simple crushes (he flirts with pretty much everyone) but on the very rare occasion where he develops actual feelings for someone, he’ll go out of his way to spend more time with them, even ditching important things like work lol but he’s kinda oblivious to his own feelings and thinks he’s still just casually flirting until it’s too late and he’s down bad 😳

Normally, Odd would try to be logical about it, reason that hormones can flare up from time to time and wait things out to see if the feeling stays.

... But with his current crush he goes about things more like "attempt to not have a heart attack from how much this woman is making you act up internally" and "try not to show how flustered/down bad you are for her as you know she thrives off things like that"-//

Cyril has had a single crush in his life and he didn't realise it was a crush for at least 10 years sdgfdsdfd

He confessed like a week after he figured out what his emotions are

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