Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

A mere mortal · 3mo

Ah, my bad, should have checked again! But it’s nice to see the Nexus looking better! See some of their values and roles, but how do they go about their godly roles and worship?

Cinnamon: Well, that’s still something relatively new. As a pantheon, the Nexus isn’t as thematically linked as the Plenty was. Each god works independently, and worshippers catch on to this. Everyone sort of goes along with the god that pertains most to them, and worshippers have been very clever about interpreting the contradictions between some members. One world, for example, believes that Technon and Kleftis being so close despite being deities of diametrically opposed concepts is a metaphor for how life requires a balance of perspectives, and how combined they provide more context than the sum of their parts

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