Ask Heck

Heck is a hub world for the many demons that reside in WhouldYouLookAtThat's many settings!
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A mere mortal · 1mo

Well, with that overlap between the automatons and Technon, do you think there’s something bigger here? More connections that are worth looking into?

Sinder: Found it! So it turns out the god of Sollana before Auna usurped him was none other than Technōn! There are still relics with his hand sybol in the Wastes, a region South of Sollana, and in Mekanis where the Automatons thrive! Seems he didn’t care he got usurped since Sollana didn’t matter in his machinations…

A mere mortal · 1mo

Harfang, do you have any assistants who help out at your Chateau and keep books and checkouts inline?

I have little familiars akin to B’s Toadies to go retrieve books but I also work with a group of creatures known as Bookwyrms. They’re small little dragons that love to organize my libraries.

A mere mortal · 1mo

Do you think all the romantic and familial bonds between demons and Plenty gods might be change things? And I don’t just mean personality and morals being improved by healthy relationships. Do you think reality and divine/demonic rules might be affected by how much these two are mingling, changing the laws of nature?

A mere mortal · 1mo

A coincidence? Between Technon and a whole automaton group? Could you tell us a bit more about these Sollana automatons at least and what you think is similar?

Harfang: Back even before Auna faked her godhood over there, a species of soul-touched Automatons came to be through means unknown. History stipulates they were a slave race granted immortality, but ransacking by Auna ensured this would be lost to time. The country of Sollana still recognizes them as second-class citizens.
Vorace: I’ve seen some of their souls pass through here. Though they were different in shape and design, the… the beat of the clockwork they had sounded similar to Technōn’s.

A mere mortal · 1mo

You think Technon has any chance of changing for the better after a few millennia locked up looking through the emotion and freedom of the worlds without him?

Vorace: That’s… arguably much nicer than what I had in mind when I had him imprisoned. I was thinking he should suffer like he forced Raa-Deas to suffer in immobile servitude for as long as time existed. But, even if he does change, many out there would never forgive him on Deo’s death alone, no matter if he came back.

A mere mortal · 1mo

Now that the author isn’t gonna be messing with things anymore, are there gonna be some big changes to the Dictionnaire’s rules?

Vorace: That partially depends on the judgement of Those in Between, the body that’s meant to keep balance. They messed up a LOT by letting Technōn free but they’re so reluctant to change anything it hurts…

A mere mortal · 1mo

Aww, I’m glad you made up Arcvolt! What’s it like being in the fold of a Plenty family?

A mere mortal · 1mo

Oh yeah, Ginny, you’re still a hero for your own hike right? Does Megaton Rex have any notable foes you fight?

Not much anymore, but I used to have rival monsters, like Poyzon, Gorger and, my “nemesis” at the time, Riptide! But that’s all in the past, all three got manipulated by Vociferous and are now good guys! Riptide’s daughter even married mine!

A mere mortal · 1mo

This Balancing of the Scales…how exactly did it get set up and have the sway to kick the Plenty out? And what were the games like in the tourney?

A mere mortal · 1mo

Miiraurix, I’m glad you didn’t lose Deo for good. But we also haven’t learned much about you, could you tell us a bit more about yourself?

A mere mortal · 1mo

What are the unique ways every Plenty god is paid tribute to? The different prayers or rituals and such?

Isabella: Well, usually the best way to pray to a god of the Plenty is actually through action. Hard work puts you closer to the Moon. Helping your community brings you close to the Meteor. And so on. Of course, ordinary prayers still happen, and those are as simple as just speaking something aloud or thinking it to yourself. There are a few…unconventional methods though. My mom? You can get her attention by finding an ordinary newt and yelling at it. I don’t know the story behind that one, but my parents treat it like an inside joke…

A mere mortal · 1mo

How did a group of goblins just, go to Heck? Is it a goblin thing or are there ways for mortals to go to Heck on their own?

Jet: There are a lot of ways for the canny mortal to get into Heck, actually. The most common is to use powerful magic to cleave the barrier between worlds. Heck, being a hub world, is spiritually close to every other dimension in the multiverse, so it’s not as hard as worldhopping normally is. However, if you’re not a powerful mage…you have to rely on accidental Tears in the fabric of reality. But those are exceedingly rare. It hasn’t happened more time than you can count on the fingers of one hand in millennia.

A mere mortal · 1mo

Now that the mood is a bit better…I don’t think we’ve actually heard much about Deo’s father beyond some basics. Ramone, could you tell us a bit more about yourself?

Ramone: Ah yes, I have not had an opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ramone Cavendish. Once upon a time, I was a rakshasa, or a deceiver demon. I fought on and corrupted many souls on many worlds…until I met Vanarella. I had been summoned as a soldier in a war against dragonkind. We spent decades fighting, trying to kill one another…and somehow animosity changed. Turned to passion. Then love. Together with her, and my children, I achieved something thought impossible. I managed to ascend from my demonic roots and become something else…not quite a divine being, but not a demon any longer. A spirit, perhaps?

A mere mortal · 1mo

Well, all that’s important is that your back Deo! How’s everyone handling/celebrating your return from the dead?

Deo: Well, Debbie had to put a charm on my spine to keep it from breaking from all the hugs I got. Apparently they held a funeral service for me and everything, so everyone was…surprisingly happy to see me back. Miiri didn’t let me go for days afterward. And my mother…well, she apparently hadn’t taken my death well. She insisted I stay in Overland with them for a few days just so she could make sure I was okay.

A mere mortal · 1mo

Are there any other robot groups out there beyond ones you’ve mentioned? Any would be pawns crafted for something bigger?

Vorace: I have noticed a certain similarity between Technon and the Automatons of Sollana… but this could be a coincidence.

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