Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

A mere mortal · 3mo

So if I can get this straight, Thorne, who I assume just popped into reality as Debbie’s opposite somehow, tried to make a Bizzaro Plenty and forced others to be members? Only to get foiled by you?

Debbie: Foiled is a HARSH term there... thing is, we can't kill her. Not without killing me. And before you ask, she's ABSOLUTELY worth dying for, as she's terrible, but my friends and family all agree with me that I don't wanna die. We DID manage to trick her into stopping her "corporate expansion" in our domains, thank Jo and Lily for doing their bit of sleuthing to create revolutions in her worlds while I was busy fighting her. Buuuut...
Thorne: I still exist, sadly for you peons.
Debbie: Yeah, that.

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