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Astrae (Aeri)
syshost | she/her | bodily 17
06.30 | anzu yume | oc centric
qpr switch + famillial eden yume

anon asks open
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lastlamentt · 12d

hi you gave me the courage to block jade so thank you 🩷

I'm glad, let's all hold hands together in a circle and then frolic around to forget having to deal with them ☆

little dove ✧ · 12d

It’s wild that they were also ableist against Ritsu in the post about who they can take in a fight because they said that he could defeat them if he wasn’t so tired and lazy which is so rude and belittling to say esp when his ‘laziness and sleepiness’ is due to his chronic illness

It's odd how contradictory they are, I guess it makes getting away easier but I guess they don't know people can pick up patterns in their behavior. Like right? And the person that asked them was their irl too and even they cut jade off (hearsay only).

little dove ✧ · 12d

remind me not to get on your bad side...

I think that's unlikely, so don't worry too much. Hating someone is too tiring and honestly I don't hate jade, I just want them to finally repent.

Ray · 12d

hai aeri! i just saw your thread & the rentry of jade, i didn't know the stuff they did were that horrible cz i didn't see it firsthand& didn't find any receipts of it before(i wasn't on ensttwt/yumetwt during tht time) an uh i think you sb me cz i was still following her, i wanted to ask if we still could be friends..? i'm really sorry because i'm not on main n don't really see stuff like that that much during strike wk, and saw all of these things really late, i'm sorry again😭 thank u n i'm sorry

little dove ✧ · 12d

It’s fine if you don’t have evidence but I’ve seen various people claiming Jade has said ableist remarks about Eichi and racist comments about Rinne but don’t show any evidence that they said this so I was wondering if this is true or not because I’ve seen how claims like them exposing nsfw to minors being actually about them giving a cw but got blown out of proportion

little dove ✧ · 13d

Once again that is not the issue., anyway I informed kei about the nature if yumes/selfshippers/fictos. It's their other actions alongside that which they push onto others which is harmful.

little dove ✧ · 13d

props to you for handling it respectfully, the other callouts to jade were usually about them being weird for shipping with fictional characters or for writing darkfic so your thread was genuinely helpful.

ah, some people just have their own agenda I presume but I've always sort of focused on the wellbeing of others over mine and — one of my close mutuals is quite close to jade + has made art for them many times, I've talked to them before about not making it their responsibility to handle jade so seeing jade just blow them off as "no one" really pissed me off.

little dove ✧ · 13d

heyo riko, or aeri? sorry for ghosting you for a year, I found that you were on X. kinda funny how we find ourselves again with the lolthia drama lolol -cas

hiii cas :3 I go by aeri more now since riko is a headmate of mine, a lot of things have happened since then, so feel free to take things slowly to catch up.

little dove ✧ · 13d

Sorry to bother you but about Jade, several anons did say it was weird that they were baiting during strike week but they ignored this and instead claimed they’re not baiting

It's really insensitive to even weigh their life over others honestly, I don't think they see the point of it because fun fact! they're white, european specifically who has never had to work (disabled) and it doesn't inconvenience them in any sort of way.

little dove ✧ · 13d

hi we're mutuals and i'd thought i'd just send an ask bc i dont wanna dm privately abt it but why don't you just go ahead and block the jade eden yume person (idrm their name sorry) rather than interacting/qrt-ing? i feel like constantly replying to this sorta stuff isn't necessarily beneficial to anyone at all

nikki · 14d

hi aeri. i hope youre doing okay :( im so so sorry that youre dealing with family troubles. i completely understand how you feel, how your mother is treating you is completely unjustified. you dont deserve any of that. please take some time for yourself, rest, drink water, etc.. i know we dont know each other all too well yet, but if you need someone to talk to my dms are open. please stay safe out there!

It happens everyday so supposedly I'm using it, but then my coping mechanism of just "use those negative feelings and convert it for something you can be passionate about" does little to address it. In a way, I feel like it's not of concern. Then again looking at the recording is a bit heartbreaking.

little dove ✧ · 14d

I'd say goodluck to them trying that when a strike is happening, to THEM go fuck off and actually do something that spreads awareness on a genocide instead of some guy you have old beef on. Stop indoctrinating minors to do shitty stuff with and for you.

Anyway, I think I'll call you Ame-cchi~ Ame means "rain" and cchi is just an honorific to bring us closer a~ha, we can always be friends. <3 I don't mind really, I focus more on a person's present and compare it to their past to see how much they've come.

little dove ✧ · 14d

Oh they can sure as hell try. I love how it's just on a burner account because they're still acting like cowards. I can already imagine how it's either ignored or how everyone else will kindly correct them on how being corrected on souma lore is not harassment. Stop giving yourself the burden of associating with them, just cut off ties. It's already weird enough that a 20/21 year old is making minors harass someone, and I guess they're aware of that since they're so scared to actually do anything on their main ww. Have a good day dude.

little dove ✧ · 15d

hi do you know where ethan’s retrospring went? the link doesn’t work anymore and he won’t answer my dms about it either, n i can’t dm you on twt either…. you guys seem close tho. thought i’d ask

Oh, can't do your harassment anymore? I'm sooo sorry to hear about that, maybe don't joke about SA and other people's issues in people's inboxes next time. You might feel safe behind that screen but if you ever thought about it, the things you'll say would get you beaten up irl won't they? But I rest my case.

Rose_the_fox · 15d

Natsume Albedo Rui gathering where they just cause chaos

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