little dove ✧ · 15d

Good Eve Aeri! I'm Kei (whimsicalkei in twt)! Thank you very much for giving me the live rentry about Jade! I followed them cause I thought I earned another oomf in twitter but when I started interacting with them and their tweets showing up like earlier today, I started to see them in such a ridiculous light. Their whole account looks... interesting and i dug further and found it very amusing on how they're so attached to Eden.

At first, I tried justifying their existence by cross-referencing every article or wiki about ENSTARS— none of them have mentioned about the 5th member of Eden.

And then i see tweets of them saying that Eden is real and based off their irl lives and stuff like that and how the fandom wants them dead so Eden can go back as 4 membered group, which confuses me, how can such a large fandom acknowledge such a delusional account that pretending as the 5th member of a fictional boyband?

I went beyond further on digging more and found more ridiculous tweets and such, their shit is really getting out of the hand and so, I made a thread and yeah, they blocked me!

Which eventually lead me here, thank you very much for informing me on what they did and their past actions! I can't believe such a delusional person can exist lol.

Once again that is not the issue., anyway I informed kei about the nature if yumes/selfshippers/fictos. It's their other actions alongside that which they push onto others which is harmful.

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