Ray Ā· 14d

hai aeri! i just saw your thread & the rentry of jade, i didn't know the stuff they did were that horrible cz i didn't see it firsthand& didn't find any receipts of it before(i wasn't on ensttwt/yumetwt during tht time) an uh i think you sb me cz i was still following her, i wanted to ask if we still could be friends..? i'm really sorry because i'm not on main n don't really see stuff like that that much during strike wk, and saw all of these things really late, i'm sorry againšŸ˜­ thank u n i'm sorry

ofc dw !! I've seen people be very defensive/deny or outright believe jade's lies. They rely on trying to rebrand themselves and hoping people forget instead of taking actual accountability. I just had enough when they kept blowing off the existence of my friends who've genuinely tried to help them, and realize how they're just mooching off for free content or art. I don't think I've ever seen them interact with the others except maybe me and one of those friends, unless they were an eden artist. Honestly they're pretty good at making you feel bad for them and it's why both me and rii were wrapped up with them in the first place considering that we shared the same sort of struggles when it came to ideation/feelings of worthlessness. Unlike them though, I got better.

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