Malik · 9 answers · 5mo

Kalo kalian terlahir jadi hewan, kalian mau jadi hewan apa? Me, i want to be a jellyfish. No brain, no thoughts, it's just me and my tentacles following the wave in the ocean deep

Pengen jadi dinosaurus aja sih. Rawr rawr, berlarian berburu mangsa, kesamber meteor, punah.

wow iya malik kayanya not bad jadi agar agar di laut~ ((tmi)) aku pernah disamperin ubur ubur pas di pinggir pantai🧎‍♀️BTW untuk aku sudah pasti kucing!! ‪i could just simply exist, eat, sleep, be cute and play with toys all day‬🐈

i would be a bird! i wanna fly as much as i want. kaya berenang di atas pantai pas lagi sunset, it seems fun!

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