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Anonymous Narwhal · 2mo

What are your personal predictions for Childe? (srry if you’ve answered one like this before)

Anonymous Narwhal · 3mo

hello! I am the anon here to spread love! I love your childe's takes and your analysis :) but even better is the nice way you always interact with people! <3

Anonymous Narwhal · 4mo

Do you have a favorite thing about Childe? Like something about his personality, or lore, or voicelines, looks, playstyle ... I know there are a lot of things to like about him, just curious if there's something that stands out to you that really makes the character amazing in your eyes :D

Anonymous Narwhal · 3mo

Just what plans is Taru central to? It’s crazy how much he’s tied into everything. Is our boy gonna be okay? He needs a break aaa-

No break for him yet, I fear 😂 on the contrary, his arc is only just beginning. They're really starting to put everything into motion now...

kari · 3mo

hi bun did you know taru is the cutest orange to ever orange he's so cool and lovable and nommable and married to zhongli and has the biggest fanclub (i'd know bc i'm in it) and is the most loving big brother and kind to people he knows and the strongest and so resilient and-

Kari!! 🥺 and yes, he's the loveliest! Hope we find out about a secret Childe fan club when we get to Snezhnaya 😂

Anonymous Narwhal · 3mo

I really like the idea that Zhongli isn't affected by the cold (much) but Childe doesn't know that and when they visit Snezhnaya or Dragonspine he always worries about Zhongli and fusses over him, trying his best to make sure that Zhongli is warm and comfortable. And Zhongli realizes that he really likes the attention so he doesn't say anything and just goes along with it :3

I like this too! Honestly, anything in which they're both caring for each other regardless of whether the other actually needs it or not is just everything to me.

Childe protecting Zhongli from the cold, Zhongli fussing over even the smallest wounds and cuts on Childe despite him having plenty more where that came from...love it.

Anonymous Narwhal · 3mo
Anonymous Narwhal · 3mo

Childe collecting animals like noone else! :D Narwhal, wolf, fox, duck, and now even redcrown finches - do you have a favorite out of those?

tanit · 4mo

(im not going to hide my name I'd be seen way too easily anyway lol)

You're right, you'd be recognized instantly LOL. This is so Tanit of you 😂 ily.

And yes, Childe is indeed a cool chara 😌 you're speaking only facts here.

Anonymous Narwhal · 4mo

Do you think Childe will survive to the end of genshin?

Anonymous Narwhal · 4mo

Where would you say Childe is in the hero’s journey?

Anonymous Narwhal · 5mo

No cause moms and dad both love zhongli. Ive seen so many vids of people showing him to their parents and theyve always been "i love this one"

I haven't had the opportunity to see anything with dads involved but I love that 😂

Proof that Zhongli makes people fall in love wherever he goes. We should have more instances of admirers in Liyue 🤣

Anonymous Narwhal · 6mo

Do you think Childe will have light in his eyes when we see him again? It looked like he got light in his eyes in the whale cutscene from 4.1 and we didn’t see him in his normal form with his eyes open after that.

Anonymous Narwhal · 7mo

Hey Bun, do you have any christmas headcanons for zhongli and childe? I'm pretty sure we heard from an NPC in Liyue that they celebrate something like that in Snezhnaya. It's not really a religious but more a family-focused time where I come from, so I really like the idea of Childe taking Zhongli to his family for the holidays - that's kind of the ultimate acceptance as a family member! ^^

I have a few! I think it'd be cute to have them baking Christmas cookies together, for one.

I also think Childe would be the type to wrap the presents the night before Christmas (he is not dashing Teucer's belief in Santa any time soon if he can help it), and Zhongli would assist him in wrapping the gifts.

I see this sort of thing as something so special on Zhongli's end, since it's an experience he's never had before — I think he'd greatly cherish every moment of it. More opportunities to see what it means to be human, to be a part of a family.

Anonymous Narwhal · 7mo

Hi! Pls help im desperate but i dont have anyone to ask about this cuz i dont have any childe moots, but anyway is that true that childe did mysterious donation to liyue aftermath the osial? Pls help im desperate

Didn't happen in canon! But if you want a canon off-screen fun fact, Childe set up an entire coconut distribution network following the events of the Liyue archon quest just to fulfill his promise to Qiqi 😂 it's one of my favorite Childe fun facts

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