Melione. · 25 answers · 1y

Moots! How's your day going so far? I wish you a pleasurable day. Don't forget to drink enough of water and get plenty of rest. 💕

thank you for the gentle reminder! will surely keep that in mind. have a great day, sweetest 🤍

Terima kasih banyak untuk reminder nya, Melione. Sebaliknya kamu juga, semoga segala sesuatu yang sedang kamu lewati atau kerjakan bisa berjalan dengan lancar serta kebahagiaan datang disetiap harimu.

This been a though week to be honest. Thinking about how to return to childhood again, without the burden of the thoughts of today's adults.

hi, ann. thanks for the sweet reminder. i was doing just okay, hopefully you're all fine there. thanks for your hardwork today, please eat well and have a proper rest!

My day's going amazing so far, I love the beginning of my semester. How's yours?

Alhamdulillah berkat harapan kamu, hari ini bisa berjalan baik! Hbu?
Matur nuwun udah mau mengingatkan Ann. Semoga sehat selalu ya!

I'm sorry for late respond, but it's good going so far. Have a nice day ahead, Melione Ann.

I've had my plenty rest and abundant love from everyone today! I'll be going super fineee today!

my day went well on this february so far, thank you melione my dear! the reminder goes the same to you too 🏹💌

Hello! My day was so-so today, but it's totally alright because gacoan saved my day. Hope you get a good rest too, Ann!

i'm up all day, doing nothing. but now i'm helping my mother to cook tomorrow's order, aamiin. thank you very much! ♥

OH MY, thankyou for the sweetest message ann! ♡ i hope you happy and healthy as well. GOD BLESS YOU!

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