Anonbean · 29d

In canon, is Ivan on social media? What are his thoughts on it?

Ivan actually does have social media accounts although you would never know it’s him. They’re all under pseudonyms and he tends to keep a very low profile. Some of his social media accounts focus more on politics and what his job entails, but there’s a few that are more personal and leisurely, focusing on his hobbies and interests. As for his opinion? In a broader impersonal sense social media is interesting, capable of being entertaining, and a useful tool for immersing yourself in more of the world’s peoples and cultures easily. His more personal opinion about social media is that he’s encountered far more irritating, self-centered, ignorant, obnoxious, pathologically pathetic people on it than he has offline, but has also come across a few irreplaceable brilliant gems in the waste of humanity online. So it’s not all bad.

Also his opinion on social media is not his opinion on the subject of the internet itself. He thinks the internet is invaluable to humanity’s progress forwards.

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