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28 || πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ He/They || πŸ”ž content possible

Hey, I’m Ben! Feel free to ask about my ocs, art process, and myself!
Nsfw questions are okay!

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Anonbean Β· 14d

What’s the last song you listened to on repeat?

Heart of Darkness by Benjamin James ft. John Mark McMillan. I am very fixated with it at the moment. It’s a DraIvan song and the second verse, when the guest singer sings, my partner has said sounds similar to Drakeβ€” it just lacks a nebulous European accent and how the singer pronounced some words is different to how Drake does.

Anonbean Β· 14d

What is your favourite time period to learn about?

Bronze Age and a bit of pre-bronze age, the dark ages with a focus more so in the middle of it, and from the Georgian era all the way to the Edwardian era and what is in between them.

Anonbean Β· 14d

Are there any common themes that come up for/in your OCs?

Death and rebirth, cycles, familial trauma, medical trauma, loss, grief, complex connections and bonds, multiplicity, loneliness, otherness, betrayal, sacrifice… I know there’s more but that’s what I can name off the top of my head of what I think are common repeating themes with my OCs.

Anonbean Β· 14d

If your work could say one thing what would you want it to be?

Anonbean Β· 14d

Is there a food that Ivan HATES?

He’s not much of a food hater but he does fucking HATE most artificial fruit flavours. I guess he’s not much of a fan of hearts and livers of various animals.

Anonbean Β· 14d

If it had been in Ivan's control, what would he have chosen to do with his life? How different would it be from how things turned out?

Anonbean Β· 14d

Does Ivan have high tea every day?

Hehe heeeee
He does partake in spiked tea that can get him high. When he was younger and during the years between the First World War and second, he was addicted to opioids and drank poppy seed tea very veeeery often. He did eventually kick the addiction when he merged with Metatron, and now his high tea of choice is cannabis infused. He tends to only drink them on days where his leg is particularly in a bad way.

Anonbean Β· 14d

In canon, is Ivan on social media? What are his thoughts on it?

Anonbean Β· 14d

What is your fave AU?

My fav AU? It’s honestly a toss up between:

  • The main AU for Drake and Ivan (which we’re still stuck on a name for but we kind of like Hereafter or One Edge Of Two)
  • Geria, a little fantasy collaborative project with my partner. It features AU versions of Drake and Ivan. Ivan gets to be a dragon in that AU.
  • DraIvan Star Wars AU. The one that started it all and I’m not kidding. The SWAU is what started their oc pairing. The SWAU eventually incorporated a bunch of other OCs of ours but it started with Drake and Ivan and is mainly about them.
Anonbean Β· 14d

Tell me a fact about a TRULY neglected OC.

Anonbean Β· 5mo

Do you like the place where you live?

Anonbean Β· 5mo

Do you like social networks?

Haven’t really liked them for years. The recent AI shit, the ongoing years of shadowbanning of POC and LGBTQ+, and outright ban in a lot of places of anything NSFW makes them worse as time goes on too.

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