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β™₯ Β· 6mo

Character you really want to talk about but haven’t?

Hm, all of them? πŸ˜‚

I think ones I really want to talk about I just don’t feel confident yet on doing so since some details are still very murky to me are: Manethon, Camilla, Felicity and Vaustaurum. Manethon and Camilla I really want to engage with because they have close and complicated ties with Aniketos and Luis, which make them all the more interesting.

Felicity (Belphegor) I want to explore badly due to the connection I know they have with Mammon, but they’re still so new that it’s difficult to figure them out.

And then Vaustaurum is complicated and interesting, and aer connection to Celso and just the fact they are one of the few Celestials still in intact even if greatly diminished in power and scope is something I want to explore more.

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