Kate Matsuda · 6 answers · 1y

What's in a name? I mean we know parents giving their daughter the name of a state, like e.g. Dakota, or like a season e.g. Summer, or like many other things or items. While that seems a custom would you join in and name your daughter like the state of Sierra Leone(Mountain Lion), or the city Frankfurt(Furt of the Free)? Or like the season Carnival? Or like a utility? e.g. toilet brush? I mean I would not be surprised parents doing really shit stuff and naming their child OnionPressCharly. But what does drive parents to such extremes? Or is it only me? BTW. This is a long question and can only be seen when you allowed long questions in your settings. You're officially now a member of the elite!! ;)

Sierra isn't the worst name for a girl lol.. idk about Frankfurt lol call him Frankie if its a boy. Parents name kids today with thinking of the repercussions their kids will face down the line with a weird choice. They name them for themselves it seems. My parents choice my name based on religion. (I can't reveal it for my secret identity to continue fighting crime at night😉😏) but I can say I'm named after a strong man who once carried Jesus across a river as a baby. Jesus was so moved by the act. He made this man a saint😇😁

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