Anonymous Coward · 1y

Have you thought of making a comic or sequence for inflation? I know you've dabbled with semi sequences in the past and currently doing the year of blueberry

I've thought MANY times and would LOVE to do it - in particular I've thought of making it as like an artpack thing that you could buy for cheap. But ultimately it takes a lot of brain power and effort, and I wanna make sure that it has like, even a minor level of "story" to it that I can add into it to make it more than just, like, a storyboard. Sequences I have done multiple times, in fact! They're pretty rare but mostly bc I tend to not make them for myself and they're expensive to commission, but I am 100% capable of doing 'em!
The year of blueberry has been a very fun way to do a sequence, hehe~

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