Anonymous Coward · 1y

When comparing the classic 1971 and 2005 blueberry inflations, what elements from each do you enjoy the most? ie... I love the stretched out clothes and exposed belly of the 2005 inflation, but I like how the 1971 inflation leaves you with just barely enough mobility to waddle.

I'd say the sheer scale, and colors, of the '05 style inflation is what I take from the most for my blueberry art, that immobility and sinkage that leaves you so far gone people can barely tell where you are. But the '71 outfit is arguably more iconic (although maybe as folks who grew up with the new movie get older, that'll change) and I incorporate that style and color scheme into my stuff more than the '05 tracksuit. Especially since it literally has the belt popping off in the scene itself. The tracksuit's really good too! :p My mood can flip-flop between them haha

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