Pandy · 9 answers · 2y

Will 'freedom of speech' be better or worse on twitter with Elon Musk owning the company?

At the very least, I think there will be more oversight and reviewing before someone gets banned.

What really irritates me about Twitter and a lot of organisations now is that they DON'T comply with Equality regulations.

In UK law, ''gender'' is not a protected trait - but sex is. You can be discriminated against on the basis of your sex on Twitter as it isn't mentioned as one of the traits you're not allowed to spew hate about.

I'm seeing it a lot on paperwork these days when trying to get my daughter's appointments too. Its shocking so many organisations are not complying with the law. Its technically illegal to gather data on gender identity and also illegal to not gather data on sex.

If us terfs were to suddenly start suing on this point, we'd be very rich btw.

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