Wasserpistole · 3 answers · 4y

What are the differences between a man that got his girlfriend pregnant and says "I do not want to care or pay for that child. Bye, if I have to." and a woman that says "I don't want to care and pay for that child. Abortion now!"?

There is a lot more at the stake for the woman, than the man. I feel that a lot of people are ignorant as to just how dangerous even a normal, seemingly healthy pregnancy can be for both mother and child. Shit can go sideways really quickly.

I personally know two men whose wives died giving birth to their child. One roughly 30 years ago, the other only 14/15 years ago. So both are rather recent and this isn't a case of third world healthcare - this is the UK. Our health care system is pretty cash money.

I also feel like women are judged far more (even when they have perfectly valid reasons such as rape/ health reasons/foetal abnormality for obtaining an abortion than men who simply walk away. Men, for that matter, also benefit from abortion when they don't want that child, as you say.

I would say one big similarity is that both are rarely ever saying that they don't WANT to pay for the child, but realistically, can't. If we want to see less abortions, we have to address cost of living/living standards. Its not that simple, there are a few more factors at play, but abortion is often oversimplified and the people who have them are ridiculously vilified.

Abortion can, (not always but often enough) do a number on you psychologically. Its not always over as soon as the procedure is over - again, even if you do have perfectly valid reasons to have an abortion.

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