Alice 💋 · 14 answers · 4y

Would you cancel your travel plans over the Corona virus? Apparently everyone I work with has.

Shit is starting to hit the fan here in the UK. We're now at 104 deaths, with an official record of 2500+ cases of Covid 19 but an unofficial record which is realistically at least 55,000 infected.

I've had to pull my toddler out of nursery - I don't think they'll open again after all this is over. Its heartbreaking, she was really enjoying it there and it means I've lost a lot of money in doing so. I'm normally very financially independent, but will have to ask my father for money help. Everything is one giant mess.

Travel is the last thing on my mind right now but if I had plans, I would absolutely cancel them. There is little point in going and getting myself locked down anywhere that isn't home. This is the best place for my daughter and I to be right now.

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