Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward Β· 8mo

Hello! I am the same Anon for "reincarnated in htwmho as Ruby's older sister." I wanted to ask you a question about your Au horror of π‡π“π–πŒπ‡πŽ.
How will it develop? Will Ruby and Izek be at the girl boy finale? Who is the masked man? (although I suspect who he might be but... shh) will others survive? I'm really curious how it will develop!

OH HOW ARE U πŸ«‚,well right now i posted one ep and half of ep2 ( too much work keeps me away I'm sorry 😭 ) but!! i will reassure you that they'll actually all survive but some would have bit of injuries ( and yes anon the masked man is the one you're thinking .. shhh ✨ ) im so happy you asked feel free to ask me again πŸ’• πŸ«‚

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