
𝓟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝓓O͜͡𝑙𝑙 loved
by 𝑎𝓃𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑠 & 𝑑ℯ𝑣𝑖𝑙𝑠 。☩

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Anonymous Coward · 7h

Wait so iske believed Freya?? Based on your thread it seems like he was shook and walked away in denial…

no he didn't believe her,he walked away just to ignore her cause he felt that he wanted to kill her after she spoke,plus iske does love ruby very much he only believes ruby's words.

Anonymous Coward · 2d

please please which chapter does the side stories for htwmo novel begin???

Anonymous Coward · 1d

hello ! could you tell me the chapter in the novel where freya attempted to inform iske about the kiss? thank you.

Anonymous Coward · 1d

warning htwmho novel spoilers

hii! I saw some spoilers saying the others will witness cezar abusing ruby. Does freya know? T_T i really cant stand her adding lies to ruby's trauma, i need her to learn the truth too T_T

and i wonder will freya be confronted by anyone for everything she did to ruby? thank you!!

SPOILERS. yes freya will see cesare abusing ruby in the mirror room along the others ( including iske ) & actually anon freya was the one who brought ellen,iske and the others to the mirror room so they could see ruby and cesare " kissing " again . however everyone knew the abuse ruby has been going through.

For freya unfortunately she wasn't confronted,but ellen cut ties with her and ruby put her in place some other chapter after this arc.

Anonymous Coward · 2d

Give us your take on how our beloved ruby and iske react to their first pregnancy

Well!! I remember tearing with joy cause their reaction was so adorable 😭 💕 both of them not believing they're going to be parents soon and the atmosphere was just so warm and comfortable 💖 😭

Anonymous Coward · 5d

just started reading htwmho and pls help me if u know the name of the grey haired paladin with ponytail in how to win my husband over 👉🏻👈🏻 he’s always with ivan btw!

Oh sure!! I believe u mean camu,I believe he's one of iske's friends and they're also together on the same team but i believe him and iske quarrel a lot

Anonymous Coward · 7d

Love your writing btw keep going

Anonymous Coward · 7d

Can we get your headcanon for modern AU Ruby? Like i imagine she’s a singer in a girl band and Ellen would be an actress.. wondering what would iske be and how’d meet ruby

that sounds very exciting ✨ !! Well i think iske would be like a famous athlete perhaps cause he really got the body and strength for it,and maybe he goes to one of ruby's concerts with Ellen . And he feels she's cute but wouldn't really admit his feelings.

They would meet together afterwards and they start to secretly date.

Anonymous Coward · 20d

Hello! I am the same Anon for "reincarnated in htwmho as Ruby's older sister." I wanted to ask you a question about your Au horror of 𝐇𝐓𝐖𝐌𝐇𝐎.
How will it develop? Will Ruby and Izek be at the girl boy finale? Who is the masked man? (although I suspect who he might be but... shh) will others survive? I'm really curious how it will develop!

OH HOW ARE U 🫂,well right now i posted one ep and half of ep2 ( too much work keeps me away I'm sorry 😭 ) but!! i will reassure you that they'll actually all survive but some would have bit of injuries ( and yes anon the masked man is the one you're thinking .. shhh ✨ ) im so happy you asked feel free to ask me again 💕 🫂

Anonymous Coward · 23d

High school au! Like the original plot, they’re both from influential families & popular but during their first year they were in separate classes then they somehow stumble across each other and then in the 2nd year they end up in the same class.. it’s romance but intriguing with their private lives i would so support your work 💕💕

OH THANK UUU!! it would be very cool though because thinking of their first year ruby would hear about him but never really met,only a few glances and their story starts in the second year though im thinking about how if it starts like in a business party like iske's father is a business man and ruby's father can be a business man too and they took ruby and iske with them and they meet each other and know that they're in the same class during the second year .

Anonymous Coward · 26d

If you had to describe your moots using characters from manhwas, which one would they be most similar to???

Well ..... i didn't really read much manhwas however most my moots remind me of ellen from htwmho,most of them are brave and confident to say whatever they want without fear 💕!

Anonymous Coward · 26d

I want to ask you a little question! <3
If you were to be reincarnated in htwmho as Ruby's older sister, what would you do?

OMG ANON !!! i would literally protect her from Cesare cause baby really needs a normal & good elder sibling figure in her life .

I would call out freya whenever she tries to make her uncomfortable,i would definitely hit Cesare across the face whenever he thinks of bothering ruby and i would tease her about her lovey moments with iske 💕 ,i will be the sister she deserves to have so she could be happy.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I miss rubyiske sooooooooooooooooo much

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I always get like surprised when you call Iske a babygirl but actually I agree I mean yeah of course he is an adult man and everything but still he is a babygirl or babyboy whatever

Tbh anon I laugh at myself sometimes for calling him babygirl 😭 but he has the attitude of one especially at the beginning.

So iske is my babygirl 💕.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I want to ask why is Iske your favourite ML and if you know Callisto Do you prefer Iske to him and why ?

Iske is my favorite because he's like a realistic person,like you know at first he was flawed but then he had an incredible character development.

And yes anon I know him!!! He's my favorite ml along iske too 💕 I honestly think it would be really hard to choose between them 😭 because I love them both.

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