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Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hii i saw your thread about Freya and Im re-reading the manwha so I think there's another part you could add in your thread if you have the same opinion than me about it. I recently re-read ch 28, in that ch iske and ruby went to the temple for the first time and freya was there with her brother. When Iske showed up, Freya wanted Lorenzo to apologize to ruby for singing that disgusting song in front of her. During the conversation ruby started sweating and getting uncomfortable because she didn't want Lorenzo's fake apology or to talk about the song in front of Iske (Freya even made a comment about ruby saying hard stuffs to Lorenzo, obviously to make ruby look bad in front of Iske) but iske finally stopped the conversation. I really feel the reason iske stopped it was not only because he noticed that ruby was uncomfortable, but also because he noticed that Freya and Lorenzo were forcing that conversation to intimidate ruby and set her up... All those little details are the reason iske realized that Freya never had good intentions towards ruby and since present iske is completely sure about it, he can't stand to have her close to him or ruby anymore (sorry for my bad English). I didn't like the manhandling, but I understand why he reacted like that. I don't agree with people saying that the grabbing wrist in previous chapters is equal to the manhandling in the last ch, that was just a normal warning

OH YOU'RE RIGHT,i forgot about this part but tbh i agree with you especially when i reread this chapter i did feel Freya pressuring the situation onto ruby & Lorenzo too .. i can add your words to the thread!

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