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Mysterious Stranger · 7mo

Originally known for her professional behavior, dedication to her work, and occasionally falling asleep in weird places, Dr. Olivia Silence was now known for something else entirely. Something larger, grander, and a lot more… physical.
To say the good doctor had grown fat was a bit of an understatement. Dr. Olivia Silence had, through testing her new experimental serum over many months, become well and truly obese. Some would say she was more lard than woman now, but those speaking about her were oftentimes just pots calling the kettle black. Back when her experiments had begun, the doctor had been unable to find any volunteers to test her latest breakthrough in nutrient paste, and so had resorted to eating it herself.
At first, things had gone great! The paste… wasn’t really the tastiest thing ever, but it went down smoothly, and just two tablespoons contained all the nutrients and calories an adult Terran needed for an entire day! In short order, Silence was able to swap out her regular rations for two small dollops of the nutritional ooze, and with that in her system, she’d be well-fed and energized for the rest of the workday.
Issues began when Silence discovered two problems with the paste. The first was that, while it was quite calorie-dense and chock-full of vitamins and minerals, it wasn’t exactly filling. Sometimes, the liberi doctor could be caught sneaking in snacks along with her pasty meals, just to fill up the empty space in her tummy that was constantly aching for food. She didn’t need the extra snacks and meals, but not having them made her hungry gut feeling empty and left her with constant cravings for food.
The second problem started when Silence managed to make the stuff actually taste good. In fact, it soon tasted better than good—it was fantastic! Sugary and savory all at the same time, the paste soon became exceedingly popular amongst the population of Rhodes Island. Dispensers of the stuff were set up in the mess hall and common areas, and though the kitchen staff protested its introduction, the nutritional paste became a staple part of many operators’ diets.
It was at this point that the obesity epidemic began to really spread. Ceobe was, unsurprisingly, the first to succumb. She was discovered in the early morning by the Rhodes Island janitorial team sitting in a breakroom with a hose in her mouth that connected to the paste dispenser. She had apparently at one point been seated in a chair, but the poor piece of furniture had long ago been crushed into splinters beneath her tremendous heft. The gluttonous perro had also outgrown all of her clothing, with the scraps of her former outfit hanging from her frame pinched between various rolls of lard. It ended up taking four operators to heft the hefty gal and remove her from the breakroom.
Soon after word spread of Ceobe’s predicament, other operators and employees began to be seen sporting large potbellies, chubby cheeks, and drooping chins as the average weight across the landship skyrocketed. Though not all got to the same size as Ceobe, there were occasional incidents of operators eating themselves into immobility. The nutrition paste dispensers were soon shut down or cordoned off, but by then the damage was already done. The Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals Obesity Epidemic was well underway, and with their tummies stretched and appetites irrevocably enhanced, the operators of the landship only got fatter and fatter.
And this brings up back to Olivia Silence, the unwitting creator and instigator of the epidemic. When, after all the chaos and hubbub had settled somewhat, it was finally noticed that Silence had gone missing. Searchers were sent out across the landship to locate her, but both her room and laboratory were found empty. It was actually an unrelated worker looking to slack off that discovered her, deep down in the cargo hold… where the nutritional paste supply was stored.
To say that Dr. Silence had grown fat, as stated before, was a massive understatement. Even saying that she was obese couldn’t capture the sheer magnitude of her weight gain. After the paste was no longer being dispensed further, it had all been stored in a single location, and it took Silence not even a full day to locate where that was. Left alone with her deliciously calorific invention, Silence immediately began to dig in. She ate and ate, feasting until her clothes shredded. She sucked down the paste until her legs gave out and her tremendous rear end slammed against the floor. She devoured the goop until her arms stuck out uselessly at her sides, caked with wide tires of blubber. And then she ate some more.
When Silence was finally discovered, she had already downed the entire supply of the stuff and had, without a doubt, become the fattest operator on Rhodes Island. The immense liberi woman took up an entire bay inside the cargo hold just with her sheer girth. Flab cascaded across the room wall to wall, her tremendous belly stretching out before her as a great sea of blubber. When found, her massive breasts were quickly covered with tarps to make her decent, and then the search began. Brave volunteers make the trek up the mountainous slope of Silence’s body in search of her face. It took a fair bit of time, but it was eventually discovered at the top of a mound of fatty rings that had once been the good doctor’s neck. Her cheeks sat at either side of her visage like massive beanbags, and her many chins cascaded down her neck rolls. Yes, the doctor had well and truly become an absolute lardpile of a liberi. And, when she was interviewed about the whole event, she had only this to say.
“Is there any nutrition paste left? I’m so hungry… HWUOOOORRRPHH!”

FLABMOUNTAIN SILENCE!!! My evening, and my weekend most likely, have been absolutely made!!! Thank you so much, this is amazing!!! Love that lardy liberi...

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