Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 5mo

cis person claims to be a trans ally/trans feminist
zero mention or advocation for trans men, transmascs, or nb people

im so tired and i hate how this legitimate critique of certain allies' blindspots is misconstrued as taking away from transfems and trans women's issues.

I feel ya. I suggest we be more vocal and annoying about it 🤷 fuck what people think. the whole goal of that type of rhetoric is to try to get you to shut up. you don't even have to start arguing with them, either. you can just laugh at it, go "that's a ridiculous opinion, anyways as I was saying--" like that meme with the thumbs up people huddled up in a circle. you do not owe anyone your emotional labor to prove why you deserve to have a place in feminism!!

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