Anonymous Coward · 9d

not sure if you know about this and very sorry if you do! but i know you struggle with getting a lot of harassment so i thought i'd pipe in with a suggestion-- it won't fix 100% of your problems but it may help at least... retrospring has a "mute words" function that automatically hides asks with certain words in them. so if you notice the people giving you a hard time tend to use the same terms + insults you can try blacklisting those-- i had to do the same thing and found i got like... probably 90% less hate messages after since people like using the same insults and stuff over and over again. and try to pick words that don't normally pop up in regular messages you get so you don't accidentally block nice anons (though sacrifices have to be made sometimes....) again sorry if you already know about this/have used the mute function i just thought it'd be worth bringing up just in case!

ACTUALLY I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A THING??? thank you so much for letting me know this'll really help my piece of mind 🙏 at least a little

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