
Hi, I'm Ann! I'm old and a little bit gray, and I've been writing for 20 years!

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I prefer prompts or general chatting but if you're going to leave wank, put some effort into it. I want an essay, cited and with notations.


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Anonymous Coward · 7h

Playing catch-up on your last two streams and I just wanted to say how cozy and welcoming it is. I love writing and not only can I write better while listening to others write, but when I take a break, I see wonderful conversation in chat. It's just been such a joy to watch

AHHHHHH omg I didn't know there some of you all go bad and watch them later. THAT MAKES ME SO??? AHHHHH. I'm so glad that you're enjoying them ahhh. The chat is usually pretty quiet, but the last couple I was blessed with folks who wanted to hang out and I really really love that!!! I also write better when streaming, so I'm really looking forward to doing it more! I just want to have a nice, cozy environment to hang and it really makes me warm to know that you enjoy it too!

Anonymous Coward · 1d

Genuine question: Why do you worry about taking your cane to interviews? I'm not disabled, so I'm not really sure what I'm missing here, but if you need the aid, you need the aid, right? I'm just trying to understand

Jobs aren't supposed to discriminate in interviews, but they do. I've been to interviews where they see the cane and I can tell instantly that it's a no, purely because they think I'm incapable of moving around without it. As someone who uses a mobility aid part-time, and requires minimal accommodations, it's really annoying for folks to immediate brush off an applicant over something so minute. And like I said, they aren't SUPPOSED to, but it's also easy for them to say, "hey it's reasonable for us to want someone able-bodied because we need you to be able to move around and do stuff to this degree".

Anonymous Coward · 1d

I'm a private Twitter account so I couldn't comment on your twitch affiliate tweet, but omg I'm so stoked for you!! I've wanted to sub for a while but it wasn't available yet. I am in a tight money spot, but have been wanting to support you for ages. Since my twitch is linked to my prime account, I can now finally support you. I'm super excited and I hope others consider subbing as well!!

Thank you so much AHHHH! It really warms my heart when folks want to support because I never expect it and I just AHHHHHHH. I'm really stoked and excited, and I can't wait to see what happens heheheh.

Anonymous Coward · 2d

Saw your tweet about the heat just as my dysautonomia finally lost its own battle with the heat lol here's to trying to rest in bed the best we can and ice packs galore until the heat breaks 💙

GOD ITS THE WORSTTTTTTT like I'm glad we have an AC window unit but it just doesnt cut it and I've literally spent the last three days mostly asleep I swear T_T REST!!!! HYDRATE!!! ICE!!! WATER!!!!

Anonymous Coward · 2d

Just wondering, is there any chance you will stream keyboard asmr without music in the future? I love the streams!

I guess that I can! I can't work in silence so I'd have to wear headphones and those are suuuuuper uncomfy for me (they literally bruise my scalp lol) but I can definitely do so! 🥰 my computer isn't Bluetooth compatible tho so I'd have to be wired in and it's so annoying. 😂

inujuju · 4d

Hey Ann, on the topic if advice, do you have any for people who have too many ideas? Even moreso when said ideas tend to be longfic, so you can't just write it quick outta your system?

This is how my prompt spreadsheet idea-- I just yeet them on there and save for a rainy day. It's really useful for when I don't know what I want to work on, or I need a break from working on other things.

Anonymous Coward · 4d

I've been following some of your writing tips/advice and it has really made writing so much easier and freeing. I have fun now instead of constantly getting after myself about mistakes and editing. Idk I just really like the wisdom you've shared over time and it's changed my approach to the art form. Thank you, truly!!

I cannot express how much I needed to see this. It's been a rough few weeks and I just, I'm really, really honored that my tips and such have not only helped you, but it's made you feel free about the process, the hobby, etc. It's hard to shift gears and take new approaches, but the fact that I've helped you fall in love more with writing I just... AHHH. It's nice to hear and I'm so so so happy for you. Thank you so much for sharing this with me.

inujuju · 1mo

I actually kind of love that Guoba doesn't remember/isn't aware; I enjoy playing around with the idea that there is like, a familiarity there, but he isn't bogged down by painful memories in the same way that the others are. And the others-- Zhongli, Ping, Cloud Retainer, etc; I just like the idea that they kinda... indulge and take care of him. Marchosius sacrificed his entire being to save the soil of Liyue and that's just... a big thing. I like to think that the others have eased up over time. Zhongli's 'retirement' is definitely like... a peek into that.

Anonymous Coward · 6d

ACTUALLY I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A THING??? thank you so much for letting me know this'll really help my piece of mind 🙏 at least a little

Anonymous Coward · 8d

What do you think Wriothesley's favorite tea blend and/or flavor is?

He says that he takes milk with his coffee and two cubes of sugar with his tea, so my guy is definitely like an Early Grey or English Breakfast-esque tea kinda dude, methinks.

Clover D. Puff · 9d

that plug haikavetham fic has me thinking....the top on a leash. Muzzled or maybe blindfolded. Vibrating plug or cock ring. In my heart the soggy top in question is Kaveh just fully losing his mind. Alternatively, top with a leash and vibrating plug being forced to sit still during cockwarming. Be a good chair and wait.

SUB TOP ALHAITHAM ON A LEASH?????? YES????? Oh man Kaveh would, and Alhaitham would too. I JUST. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Kaveh would be a little mean but it'd be with love, and they'd be so woefully gone for each other and AH yes

Anonymous Coward · 9d

Hi Ann! The new art with Childe in a suit makes me think about possible modern AUs. Childe as a toy salesman traveling through Teyvat - and meeting a charming and mysterious museum director. Who may just be an ancient deity~

There's a new Childe art??? I haven't really been on Twitter today and I haven't seen it BUT CHILDE IN A SUIT???? yeah sign me up HMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMMHMHMHMHMHHMHM. Also like modern AU but ancient Zhongli is just such a really good flavor and I really love it, but the traveling salesman trope always makes me think of Multi-level-marketing... but you know... Childe seems the type to get involved in shenanigans like that lmao

Anonymous Coward · 9d

Just wanted to say Socially Awkward is one of my favorite fics I have followed in a long time. We need more middle aged disaster romances. Thank you for your writing!

Ahhhh I'm so glad that you're enjoying it!!! Middle-aged romance, and characters in general, are my favorite because I, too, am middle-aged ahaha. But!!! I'm so glad that everyone has been enjoying my horrifically self-indulgent project. It's been so much fun and I can't wait to finish it up. :3

Anonymous Coward · 9d

I remember you said you like Arlan, right? May I suggest something with him?

Anonymous Coward · 9d

I love the idea of Alhaitham studying/reading all about massage therapy and chiropractic stuff for the sole purpose of being able to work out Kaveh's knots and sore muscles

Omg yes. Kaveh would be annoyed and complain about being 'a guinea pig' but because Alhaitham is good at pretty much any and everything, he definitely appreciates it in the end. And Alhaitham--he just wants to make Kaveh feel better and take care of him because he's just... that kind of partner. Quiet and unassuming in his care, definitely a man who's love language is physical touch, less overt than words.

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