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Anonymous Coward · 3mo

You write for so many fandoms, ships, and characters, do you get emotionally invested in each piece you write? If Yes, how do you move on from one "investment" to the next so quickly, do you get bogged down by certain stories and find it hard to move on? If No, how do you stay motivated or inspired for each thing you write?

I don't write things that I'm not invested in! Sure, there are things that I'd say I'm more emotionally tied to than others, but I won't write something that I am not invested in, for sure. This is probably why I tend to write so much--I'm, admittedly, inspired by a lot of things. I like a lot of characters, a lot of ships, a lot of ideas, and it's probably the ADHD brain going brrrr.

Because of this, I rarely have issues with wanting to write something, or hammering out issues, it's heavily the opposite-- when I struggle to work on things, it's because I have too many things I want to work on, ahahaha.

At the same time, having so many things really helps keep the creative juices flowing. If I'm not vibing with something at that moment, I'll swap to something else momentarily. Because I can swap back and forth from stuff, it's easier for me to write a lot/etc.

As far as motivation, it's kinda of hard to describe for me? I just don't really struggle on working on things, or get bogged down. I'm able to swap back and forth depending on my mood, and I don't really have to 'prep' much to work on something. I don't really find it hard to move from one thing to another, especially since I write several series, etc; I just kind of have my pick to work on.

I definitely have rituals/things that I do to get into the groove for writing itself, though; I tend to do a warm up, or maybe I write a little something something for a prompt. Sometimes I make a drink and research for something. If it's a character I've never written before, I'll likely pick through the wiki or look at their voicelines, etc. Just depends on what I'm doing!

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